Thursday, October 11, 2007

23 yrs of ignorance n sheer bliss!!

as the other posts leave a footprint in my disturbed and often vague thoughts form a union..a bonding unspoken of before. The reason n desires bocome more clear. 7 months of anonymity has not done any good to me. I know that this blog is a temporary thing..for tomorrow when i rev up my jet to go n fly like a free bird..all my thoughts will be left behind on the ground. But for the brief moment when i have the time to try feel something i never have before....the pain keeps going away. Am i in love??..i ask myself time n again but there is no answer ...b cos maybe its true...i have become heartless.(maybe). hope still prolongs fr the lost souls....her laughter...boredom ...sense of restlessness and spontainity sounds a bell in the hollow confines of my heart............

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